Fifth “Giornata delle Catacombe”
Callixtus and the Invention of the Catacombs

Rome – 15 October 2022

On the eighteenth centenary of the death of Pope Callixtus I (218–222), the Catacombs Day, now in its fifth edition, is based around the theme “Callixtus and the invention of the catacombs”. The pope’s story is linked to the Roman Catholic Church’s first official cemetery on the Via Appia Antica, as well as the catacombs of Calepodius on the Via Aurelia. The latter site, where Callixtus is buried, will be open to visitors on Catacombs Day.

The event aims to offer a series of routes through the city’s archaeological and artistic heritage, emphasising the central role played by Callixtus and, above all, helping visitors retrace the steps that led to the creation and development of these underground burial places.

From very early on, the Christian community felt the need for a space designed to accommodate the faithful in shared rest, guaranteeing all its members – even the poorest – a dignified burial and thus becoming the bearer of a message of equality and brotherhood. These spaces, called “cemeteries” – a term that is derived from Greek and indicates a “place of rest” – precisely reflect the Christian concept of death as a time spent suspended, awaiting the Resurrection.

Thus, the first catacombs were created and developed. They consisted of networks of underground tunnels that were carved out, sometimes making use of existing spaces. These underground tunnels involved the excavation of multiple vertically stacked loculi, as well as more complex forms of burial such as “tombe a mensa”, arcosolia and cubicula, often decorated with depictions of episodes and characters from the Old and New Testaments, bucolic and paradisical scenes, and moments from daily life.

The excavation and maintenance of the underground cemeteries was carried out by “fossori”, or grave diggers, chosen as the emblem of this fifth Catacombs Day: with their “dolabra”, a sort of pickaxe, they shaped the tuff banks, while with their ever-present oil lamps they cast light on the stories and symbols left behind by the first Christians to express their faith in Christ and their hope of eternal life.

Visits are always free, but booking is required.

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Ore 09:45
Esibizione della Banda Vaticana

Catacomba di Commodilla

Largo delle Sette Chiese – Largo Giovannipoli


Ore 10:00
Laboratorio per bambini (5-10 anni)
Gli antichi graffiti cristiani

Catacomba dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro

Via Casilina, 641

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 11:00
Laboratorio per bambini (5-10 anni)
Gli antichi graffiti cristiani

Catacomba dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro

Via Casilina, 641

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 11:00
Laboratorio per bambini (6-12 anni)
La lucerna del Fossore

Catacomba di Domitilla

Via delle Sette Chiese, 282

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 11:00
Esibizione della Banda Musicale del Corpo di Polizia Locale di Roma Capitale

Comprensorio Callistiano dal Quo Vadis? fino alla basilica di S. Sebastiano

Via Appia Antica, 78


Ore 14:00
Catacomba di Priscilla

Visita guidata nella lingua dei segni

Via Salaria, 430

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 15:00
Esibizione musicale “Filarmonica Città di Chiusi”

Comprensorio Callistiano


Ore 15:00
Laboratorio per bambini (6-12 anni)
Realizziamo un affresco

Catacomba di Domitilla

Via delle Sette Chiese, 282

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 15:00
Laboratorio per bambini (5-10 anni)
Gli antichi graffiti cristiani

Catacomba dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro

Via Casilina, 641

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 16:00
Laboratorio per bambini (5-10 anni)
Gli antichi graffiti cristiani

Catacomba dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro

Via Casilina, 641

(info e prenotazioni:


Ore 17:30
Concerto del coro “Vocalia Consort”

Catacomba di Domitilla Basilica dei SS. Nereo ed Achilleo

Via delle Sette Chiese, 282


Ore 17:30
Concerto del Trio d’Archi “Trasimeno String Trio”

Catacomba di Priscilla – Basilica di S. Silvestro

Via Salaria, 277


They can be visited free of charge upon reservation, subject to availability

Catacomba di San Callisto

Ingresso principale Via Appia Antica, 78

Visite ogni 30 minuti (9:30-12:00 e 14:00-17:00)

(info e prenotazioni:


Museo e Catacomba di San Sebastiano

Via Appia Antica, 136

Visite ogni 30 minuti (10:00-17:00)

(info e prenotazioni:


Museo e Catacomba di Domitilla

Via delle Sette Chiese, 282

Visite ogni 30 minuti (09:00-17:00)

(info e prenotazioni:


Catacomba di San Pancrazio

Piazza San Pancrazio, 5/D

(info e prenotazioni:


Catacomba di Sant’Agnese

Via di Sant’Agnese, 3

Visite ogni 30 minuti (10:00-17:00)

(info e prenotazioni:


Museo e Catacomba di Priscilla

Via Salaria, 430

Visite ogni 30 minuti (9:00-17:00)

(info e prenotazioni:


Catacomba dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro e Mausoleo di Sant’Elena

Via Casilina, 641

Visite ogni 30 minuti (9:00-13:00 e 15:00-17:00)

(info e prenotazioni:


They can be visited free of charge upon reservation, subject to availability
Opening hours: 10:00-18:00
Visits every 45 minutes for groups of up to 15 people

Catacomba di Calepodio

Via Aurelia Antica, 354



Catacomba di Commodilla

Via delle Sette Chiese, 42



Catacomba di San Lorenzo

Piazzale del Verano, 3



Museo e Catacomba di Pretestato

Via Appia Pignatelli, 11



Regione di Lucina

Comprensorio Callistiano

Via Appia Antica, 110



Regione dei Fornai

Comprensorio di Domitilla

Via delle Sette Chiese, 282



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